Pedicure at home

Pedicures are considered some of the most relaxing treatments around today. But before you run straight to the salon, consider this: you can do them yourself! All you will need is a few basic supplies and a relaxing place to pamper yourself in.

Before starting your pedicure, collect some pillows, a chair, and a stool to rest your feet on. You'll need an area that somewhat well-lit, and some relaxing music will set the mood. Make sure that your pillows are not shedding fluff, because that may stick to polish. Now gather a nail file, cuticle oil, a tub or warm water, nail polish, a hair dryer and a towel. Take all old nail polish off of toenails with polish remover. Wash your feet thoroughly, then get rid of any dirt under nails with a Q-tip. You are now ready to start.

File your toenails with the nails file. Make sure that you wait after washing them to do this, so that they are hard and firm. File vigorously back and forth. (The normal practice of filing in one direction is not applicable because the toenail is so thick.) Stop when mails are nicely rimming the curve of your toes, and brush away the nail dust left behind. Filing may take a little while to do, but relax and enjoy the time you have taken to pamper yourself.
Now place your feet in the basin of warm water and let them soak for a small while. Avoid soaking for too long, because they may begin to look like prunes! Take them from the bath and wipe them gently with a towel. Be sure that the towel leaves no hairs on the nails, or there may tangle with the polish. Take your cuticle oil and rub it into your nails when finished. Rub firmly, and make sure that you cover the surface of each nail. Let them dry. At this time, you may want to smooth some lotion over your feet as well.

Once your nails have dried from the water and the oil, take your nail file and rub their surfaces gently. This will allow the coats of polish to stick. When you have rubbed each lightly, it's time for your first coat of nail polish. This undercoat is called base, and usually is clear or light yellow. Smooth it over nails moving from the top of the toenail to the tip. Make sure the surface of each nail is covered. Using a base coat will make your coats of color polish last longer, and avoid chipping. It also protects the nail from the abrasive effects that drying and chipping color polish can have. To dry, use your hair dryer at low heat. Then apply color, using the same, long strokes to the tip. Apply as many coats as you need, but be careful, because too many coats can actually promote chipping.

When you are finished adding color, dry nails again with the hair dryer. Then add nail gloss to the tips of each nail, for a shine. Professional pedicurists usually finish off a manicure by buffing dried nails with a buffing stick. This makes sure that all residual nail dust and dirt, etc., has been brushed away.

When you are finished your nails should have a professional, cultured look. Take care to walk carefully to avoid abrasion, and make sure to show your shiny feet to everyone that passes by!